Chronic Pain Care

Chronic Pain Sometimes Takes Over But We Can Help If you live with chronic pain, you know how it can take over your life.  To make things even more challenging, it may seem as though the medications you take add more problems than they solve. We can help.  Natural healthcare offers effective treatments for chronic…

If you think you have…

Chronic pain and fatigue are hallmark symptoms for conditions such as CFS, ME, SLE and fibromyalgia.  Unfortunately, they are also prominent symptoms for many, many other illnesses. If you think you have something going on with your health, don’t rely on Dr. Google to make the diagnosis. Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss…

If you’ve just been diagnosed…

The first thing you need to accept about your condition is that it is more like a marathon than a sprint. You cannot manage it all on your own and you will need to do things at your own pace. Subject to the limitations of your energy and concentration, learn everything you can about your…

Finding the Right Treatment

There are a bewildering number of treatment options for people living with chronic pain and fatigue.  That’s both good news, and bad. It’s wonderful to have choice, especially since research and clinical experience have shown not all treatments work for each individual.  What’s bad about it? Some treatments won’t be effective for anyone, and as a…

Getting Started

Maybe you’ve just been diagnosed, or perhaps you have known your diagnosis for some time but are not satisfied with the results of your treatment.  Either way, you probably have questions about what’s next.  If you think you have…  If you’ve just been diagnosed…  If you’re looking for treatment alternatives…  If you’re trying to provide…

7 Keys to Living Successfully With Chronic Conditions

Roughly half of the people around you are living with chronic illnesses. Like everything else in life, you can choose to suffer with your condition, or you can learn to live with it gracefully.  I say “choose” because your attitude about your condition is a choice – it’s something you can change – and your…

Mental Health

True well-being involves your body, mind and spirit. These articles look at dimensions of good mental health.

Food For Thought

There is an abundance of information available on making health-related changes but not all of it is credible or helpful. Become better informed with these articles that explore diets, nutrition, supplements and other topics relating to health.

Recipes Index

Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Centuries later, Michael Pollan said “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” These quotes demonstrate that the foundation for excellent health has not changed much through time – it is still very rooted in our diets. These delicious recipes will entice you to…

The Gratitude Challenge

30 Days of Gratefulness Research shows that the practice of gratitude improves resiliency.  Resiliency has been shown to result in better health. Our stressed-out, unhappy states of mind are costing our communities to bear great burdens in direct healthcare costs, lost human capital, and lower quality of life.   The financial and personal costs of poor…

Fighting Pain with PEA

PEA, or palmitoylethanolamide, is chemical your body makes. As a member of the endocannabinoid family of compounds, it helps to repair the effects of stress and inflammation, thereby reducing pain. Food sources of PEA include soybeans, soy lecithin and peanuts. It’s been credited with having benefits for depression and other mood conditions [1], improved athletic…

About Anemia

These blood conditions can cause severe fatigue There are many types of anemia, and they can all cause fatigue that ranges from subtle to extreme. Some anemias occur because of irregularities in the structure of red blood cells. Others are caused by having too few blood cells, or nutrient deficiencies that prevent the normal production…